Membership Eligibility

Membership Eligibility

  • Is a holder of the Hong Kong Identity Card issued under the Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap. 177, the Laws of Hong Kong) or the certificate of exemption, except those who obtained their Hong Kong Identity Cards by virtue of a previous permission to land or remain in Hong Kong granted to him and such permission has expired or ceased to be valid;
  • Agrees to enrol to eHRSS; and
  • Resident in Wong Tai Sin District with address proof; OR
  • Employee with working proof in Wong Tai Sin District

Membership Eligibility

Please bring the following documents for membership registration:

Eligible applicant has to provide the following documents for membership registration:

  • Hong Kong Identity Card
  • Address proof under your name;
    Working proof with your name, company name and company address located in the Kwai Tsing District

The applicant shall bring along the following medical waivers for verification, if applicable, including:

  • Comprehensive Social Security Assistance
  • Higher Old Age Living Allowance (Age 75 or above)
  • Residential Care Service Voucher (Co-payment Level 0)

Membership Benefits

Residents of Wong Tai Sin who join as members will enjoy the following wonderful benefits

Free annual Basic Health Risk Assessment by the Centre's medical staff

Priority enrolment in various Free enrolment group activities

Priority registration for various promotional activities to win souvenirs

In addition, members in need can join the government-subsidised Chronic Disease Management Programmes and Community Rehabilitation Services upon referral by the Network Medical Practitioners of the District Health Centre.