The CDM Voucher is mainly used for three types of expenses: medical consultation, medication and laboratory test which related to the treatment of diabetes and hypertension. The covered items of Laboratory Tests include fasting blood glucose, oral glucose tolerance, glycosylated hemoglobin, liver function, kidney function, cholesterol and triglyceride, microalbuminuria, electrocardiogram and etc. The NMP will arrange the appropriate tests according to clinical needs.

The charge depends on the individual NMP. There is no standardized fee for medical consultation and medication. Participants will be informed of the consultation fee of each network doctor for reference when initiating the programme.

If CDM Voucher is being used to pay for laboratory tests, HK$70 will be charged for a single medical test and HK$150 for multiple medical tests. In addition, the charge for each electrocardiogram is HK$150.

If the remaining balance of the CDM Voucher is sufficient to cover the full amount of the NMP's fees, including medical consultation and medication fees, the patient must pay the full amount of the fees with their voucher; If the remaining balance of the voucher is not sufficient to cover the full amount of the charges, the patient must first debit the CDM Voucher and then pay the balance of the doctor's charges. 

For laboratory test, if the remaining balance of the CDM Voucher is sufficient to cover the full cost of the test, the patient must use the voucher to pay for it; If the remaining balance of the voucher is not sufficient to cover the full cost of the test, the patient will be responsible for the full cost of the test. Examples are as follows:

(Example 1) If the patient's CDM Voucher balance is sufficient to cover the $300 NMP’s fee, the patient cannot use $200 CDM Voucher plus $100 of his/her own cash to pay, but must use the CDM Voucher to pay the full $300.

(Example 2) If the patient's CDM Voucher has a balance of $50, which is insufficient to pay the $70 medical laboratory fee, the patient must pay the full amount of the fee by himself/herself. 

(Example 3) If the patient's CDM Voucher has a balance of $50 and is insufficient to pay the $350 NMP's fee, the patient must first deduct the CDM Voucher and then pay the full balance of $300 by himself/herself.

Yes. Patients can use the Elderly Health Care Voucher to pay for services covered under the Pilot Program. 

No. Patients who are already using the same treatment services in the public health care system (e.g., HA) cannot participate in the Pilot Programme. If a patient enrolled in the Pilot Programme chooses to use the public health care system for follow-up treatment after enrolling in the programme, the patient must immediately notify the District Health Center Care Coordinator and withdraw from it.